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  5. Exporting Files

Exporting Files

If you’d like to view or listen to your score on a computer without Mus2, use one of the options under the Export command in the File menu to convert your score to a different format. See below for more about the available file formats.

Mus2 file export menu options: aiff, wav, mid, symbtr, bmp, jpg, pdf, png, svg
Mus2 file export menu options: aiff, wav, mid, symbtr, bmp, jpg, pdf, png, svg


AIFF (aiff) Used for recording to CD, converting to MP3, etc.
Wave (wav) Used for recording to CD, converting to MP3, etc.
MIDI (mid) Used for re-­‐arranging the score in another music application. See Exporting MIDI.
SymbTr (txt) Allows access to the SymbTr nota collection which was written as a projects and contains more than 2000 pieces.


Bitmap (bmp) Saves the score with a white background and no compression.
JPEG (jpg) Saves the score with a white background and with compression. Suitable for web pages.
PDF (pdf) Used for viewing the score with Adobe Reader and other PDF readers. This is a vector-based format, suitable for printing.
PNG (png) Saves the score with a transparent background and with lossless compression. Recommended for web pages.
SVG (svg) Saves the score as a vector graphic. Recommended for exporting to page layout and graphics applications.
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