Every Mus2 score maintains its own list of tunings.
- The tunings that are defined in the Score that you are working on can be found in the left side oft he Tuning window (1).
- To create a new tuning, click the Add (2) button.
- To delete an existing tuning, use the Delete (3) button.
- To duplicate an existing tuning use the Duplicate (4) button.

General information about the selected tuning is shown on the Tuning tab (5). You can change the name, author and description of the tuning using the respective boxes.
Duplicating and Harmony List
On the left side of the tuning screen, there is a list of predefined chords. (Here, the blue line shows the tune of the work being studied.) It can be added to the list, deleted, or copied and reproduced by referencing one of the existing ones.

For Copying Duplicate As is, 1 Octave Higher, 1 Octave Lower and Duplicate in Harmony options are presented. When the Duplicate in Harmony option is selected you are presented with a list of harmonies that can be used. The values in this table can be used to make alterations in the Pitch screen.

Tunings Used in Turkish Music and Transpose Values in Mus2
Table 1 shows the former names of harmonies, their present names, their interval names, cent values, differences (in cents) used by Mus2. Since Mus2’s default tuning is Mansur Nisfiyesi, the difference for that tuning is 0.
Former Name | Present Name | Interval Name | Cent Value | Difference (cents) |
Bolâhenk Nısfiye | Yerinden | Birli (unison) | 1200 | 702 |
Bolâhenk-Süpürde Mâbeyn Nısfiye | K. İkili Pestten | Küçük İkili (minor second) | 1110 | 612 |
Sipürde/Mehtâbiye Nısfiyesi | B. İkili Pestten (1 Sesten) | İkili (second) | 996 | 498 |
Müstahsen Nısfiyesi | K. Üçlü Pestten | Küçük Üçlü (minor third) | 906 | 408 |
Müstahsen Mâbeyni Nısfiyesi | B. Üçlü Pestten | Büyük Üçlü (major third) | 792 | 294 |
Kız Nısfiyesi | Dörtlü Pestten (4 Sesten) | Dörtlü (fourth) | 702 | 204 |
Kız Mâbeyni Nısfiyesi | E. Beşli Pestten | Artık Dörtlü (augmented fourth) | 612 | 114 |
Mansur Nısfiyesi | Beşli Pestten (5 Sesten) | Beşli (fifth) | 498 | 0 |
Mansur Mâbeyni Nısfiyesi | K. Altılı Pestten | Küçük Altılı (minor sixth) | 408 | -90 |
Şah Nısfiyesi | B. Altılı Pestten | Altılı (sixth) | 294 | -204 |
Davud Nısfiyesi | K.Yedili Pestten | Küçük Yedili (minor seventh) | 204 | -294 |
Davud Mâbeyni Nısfiyesi | B. Yedili Pestten | Yedili (seventh) | 90 | -408 |
Bolâhenk Neyi | Sekizli Pestten | Sekizli (eight) | 0 | -498 |
Bolâhenk Mâbeyni Neyi | K. Dokuzlu Pestten | K. Dokuzlu (minor nineth) | -90 | -588 |
Sipürde/Mehtâbiye Neyi | B. Dokuzlu Pestten (1 Sesten) | Dokuzlu (nineth) | -204 | -702 |
Müstahsen | K. Onlu Pestten | K. Onlu (minor tenth) | -294 | -792 |
Müstahsen Mâbeyni Neyi | B. Onlu Pestten | B. Onlu (tenth) | -408 | -906 |
Kız Neyi | Onbirli Pestten (4 Sesten) | Onbirli (eleventh) | -498 | -996 |
Kız Mâbeyni Neyi | E. Onikili Pestten | A. Onbirli (augmented eleventh) | -588 | -1086 |
Mansur Neyi | Onikili Pestten (5 Sesten) | Onikili (twelfth) | -702 | -1200 |
Mansur Mâbeyni Neyi | K. Onüçlü Pestten | K. Onüçlü (minor thirteenth) | -792 | -1290 |
Şah Neyi | B. Onüçlü Pestten | Onüçlü (thirteenth) | -906 | -1404 |
Davud Neyi | K. Ondörtlü Pestten | K. Ondörtlü (minor fourteenth) | -996 | -1494 |
Davud Mâbeyni Neyi | B. Ondörtlü Pestten | Ondörtlü (fourteenth) | -1110 | -1608 |